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On Demand

Topic Areas:
Opioids |  IL License Requirement
Jasjot Sahni, BDS |  Larry Williams, D.D.S., M.P.H. |  William B. Hamel III
3 Credit Hours
Audio and Video
Short Description:
ISDS is not ADA CERP accredited; therefore, this course does not meet the DEA MATE requirements. This course fulfills the IL law that took effect in 2019. A new law took effect in 2019 that requires all prescribers who are licensed to prescribe controlled substance , during the pre-renewal period, complete 3 hours of continuing education on safe opioid prescribing practices offered or accredited by a professional association, State government agency, or federal government agency. This course will fulfill these requirements.
$100.00 - $150.00

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On Demand

Topic Areas:
Sexual Harassment Prevention |  IL License Requirement
Dr. J. Barry Howell
1 Credit Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
A new law took effect in 2019 that will require all Illinois licensed professionals who need continuing education to renew their licenses to complete one (1) hour of education related to sexual harassment prevention prior to one’s license renewal. The one-hour CE requirement is part of the 48 hours needed to renew one’s dental license – not in addition to the 48 hours of CE. NOTE! If you are a first-time visitor to one of our ISDS On Demand courses, please follow these instructions (to receive member pricing): ​Click "Sign in" Click on “forgot your password” and receive instructions on establishing your new login credentials. Proceed from here!
$50.00 - $100.00

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On Demand

Topic Areas:
IL License Requirement  |  Sexual Harassment Prevention
Mr. Austin Monroe
Audio and Video
Short Description:
All Illinois licensed dentists and hygienists need a one-hour course in sexual harassment prevention training every renewal cycle.  The one-hour CE requirement is part of the 48 hours needed to renew one’s license – not in addition to the 48/36 hours of CE. Take this course between 10-1-2024 and 9-20-2027 to comply with the 2027 renewal requirements.  Learning Objectives: 1) an explanation of sexual harassment consistent with the Illinois Human Rights Act; 2) examples of conduct that constitutes unlawful sexual harassment; 3) a summary of relevant federal and State statutory provisions concerning sexual harassment, including remedies available to victims of sexual harassment; and 4) a summary of responsibilities of employers in the prevention, investigation, and corrective measures of sexual harassment.
$0.00 - $100.00

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