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2024 Renewal Sexual Harassment

Total Credits: 1 Self Study

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Topic Areas:
Sexual Harassment Prevention |  IL License Requirement
Dr. J. Barry Howell
1 Credit Hour
Audio and Video
Access till 12/31/2024 after purchase.


A new law took effect in 2019 that will require all Illinois licensed professionals who need continuing education to renew their licenses to complete one (1) hour of education related to sexual harassment prevention prior to one’s license renewal. The one-hour CE requirement is part of the 48 hours needed to renew one’s dental license – not in addition to the 48 hours of CE. In this online course, Dr. J. Barry Howell addresses the legal requirement for licensure, ADA code of ethics, professional conduct with patients, sexual misconduct in the workplace, definitions of harassment, what to do if you experience sexual harassment, reporting of sexual harassment, and whistleblower protection. Our course is designed for the licensed dental professional (dentist & dental hygienists) but meets all requirements for the mandatory office education. Dentist could show our course to their staff under their registration, document the presentation with attendance, have everyone sign and file it away in case they are ever audited. If their staff consists of dental hygienists, they will have to pay for their own registration, take the test and receive a separate certificate.

ISDS is an approved continuing education (CE) sponsor in the State of Illinois. Courses offered by ISDS, including this one, are approved for CE credit under the Illinois Dental Practice Act for license renewals, including both dentists and dental hygienists.
