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Just In Time COVID-19 Immunization Training

Total Credits: 1 Self Study

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
COVID-19 |  Vaccine
1 Hour


This video is approximately 50 minutes. Each slide is set to display for 47 seconds before it will automatically advance. There is no narration or audio. There are two attendance checks within the video at approximately minute 15 and minute 43.

The links in this video are not clickable. To access the links, please click the handout tab at the top right of your screen. We recommend viewing the handout and links after you have watched this video.

The certificate is only accessible after watching the video, marking the two attendance checks within the video complete, and then passing the quiz. The quiz and certificate can be accessed from your CE21 account page. 

This training complies with the proclamation issued by IDFPR on January 29, 2021. This one hour training is intended to allow Illinois dentists to provide the COVID-19 vaccine at vaccination sites under the coordination and supervision of a medical facility or local health department. Below are the guidelines established by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) in their January 29, 2021 proclamation.


ISDS is an approved continuing education (CE) sponsor in the State of Illinois. Courses offered by ISDS, including this one, are approved for CE credit under the Illinois Dental Practice Act for license renewals, including both dentists and dental hygienists.

